Dublin Road UV Disinfection Facility, City of Columbus
LocationColumbus, Ohio Contract$2,800,000 RoleElectrical Subcontractor Construction ManagerShook Completion2021
The Dublin Road Water Plant, operated by The City of Columbus, Division of Water, was enhanced to add new ultraviolet disinfection equipment capable of treating more than 80 million gallons of water per day.
Prior to construction of the new facility, existing electrical power and communication infrastructure had to be relocated or new temporary systems had to be installed. And, the new facility was constructed over an existing clearwell, so special care had to be taken during the excavation phase.
The new UV equipment was installed in place and most of the large process piping was completed prior to the start of the electrical and control work.
The new UV facility power and portions of the SCADA Control was sourced from the water treatment plant and existing power distribution and SCADA systems. This required clear communication and coordination between the construction team and the plant staff to maintain existing operations at the plant.
The project was completed in a timely fashion, despite material delays and shortages, while maintaining the plant’s ability to treat and process water for Columbus residents.
The sophisticated ultraviolet disinfection equipment required highly-skilled personnel and resources to coordinate and execute the stringent detailed electrical installation scope.